Darley Gives Back

Darley Safe Water Boxes being handed out to citizens of Bowie, TX during crisis.
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In Bowie, Texas, residents recently faced a challenging situation when a boil water notice was issued. This type of alert, often triggered by a drop in water pressure, warns the community that their water may not be safe to drink without boiling it first. Such alerts can cause significant disruption, requiring people to boil water for drinking, cooking, and making ice to eliminate harmful bacteria.

During this difficult time, Darley donated a trailer load of the Darley Safe Water box, approximately 5,000 gallons of safe water, to the affected residents. This provided much-needed relief and support until the local water was deemed safe again. “In a time of crisis, when our city was in dire straits, Darley came through with water for our citizens until our own water was safe to drink. Thanks a million.”

-Douglas Page, CPM Fire Chief, City of Bowie, TX. 

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