Inside Darley October/November 2023

Hi, I’m Paul Darley, and thanks for tuning into our October/November issue of Inside Darley. For those of us here in the Northern Hemisphere, we welcomed in Fall last week. And that means it’s time for our Fall/Winter issue of the Darley Times newsletter, which we’ve attached for you here. You’ll notice on page one there’s an article relative to a new partnership that we formed with Ford on a communication vehicle that we’ve sent out to the wildland market. In fact, the first one was donated to the National Park Service and it has some pretty neat stuff including a mesh network and satellite communications.

While most of the interest has been in wildland markets, there’s also been a lot of interest from metropolitan departments as well. Last week, Kevin Sofin actually addressed our FAMA and FEMSA membership down in New Orleans, and we’ve attached a copy of his PowerPoint presentation that was titled Technology Adoption and Change Management for First Responders. It talks a lot about this technology and also just new technology that’s being adopted. On September 25, Bloomberg actually issued a great report on how AI is being used in the wildland market. So we’ve attached that for you.

On page two of our newsletter, you’ll see our Core Values and our Strategic Direction. We’re operating under a current strategic plan called B25, which is our goal to be a billion dollar business by the year 2025. I’m excited to tell you we’re right on track with that, by following that strategic direction and our core values and taking care of our customers. On page two, we just received an 80 score in our NPS. That’s our Net Promoter Score from our customers. So, thank you for the confidence that you’ve placed in us. Fewer than 1% of all companies receive that. Also, it’s very important to us that we incorporate corporate social responsibility, or CSR, into our strategic plan. In fact, it’s overlaid into our plan. And on page three, you’ll see some of the things that we’re doing with solar energy here at our headquarters with our DEI initiatives, (that’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in the essay contest that we just ran.

Congratulations to Dr. Lindsay Judah on her award winning essay, which we’ve attached for you here, as well as the second and third place winners who won a total of $6,000. They’ll be on some speaking tours and some other areas, so please check that out.

On page four, you’ll also see a little bit of news on each one of our divisions. The hottest thing that’s going on right now is addressing EV fires, whether those are in car fires, but also E-bikes and all sorts of other areas. And we’ve got full page ads in most of the industry fire publications right now. We’ve also attached for you information on our participation in symposiums and all. We’ve attached an article for you that just came out in Fire Rescue magazine titled Ten Takeaways from the UL’s FSRI Lithium Ion Battery Symposium. So some interesting stuff there.

Fire departments across America are buying our blankets, our EV plugs, and all sorts of EV fire solutions from us. And there’s more in the rest of the newsletter. Hopefully you can enjoy to some great articles on our employees, some customers, our involvement with the National Defense Industry Association, and some other things. If you’re a defense customer and you’ll be in Washington DC October 9 through the 11th for the AUSA show, we hope you’ll stop by our booth number 3015 and pay us a visit. We’re going to have a large team there and look forward to seeing you.

So thanks for tuning into this issue of Inside Darley. If there’s anything we can be doing to support you, we hope you’ll reach out to us.

Darley Times Fall/Winter 2023 (PDF)

Technology Adoption and Change Management for First Responders (PDF)

Darley Essay Contest – 2023 Winning Submissions (PDF)

Ten Takeaways from the UL’s FSRI Lithium Ion Battery Symposium (PDF)

Darley Defense experts at AUSA Show in October.

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