Law Enforcement

Protecting You with Highest Grade Solutions

Law Enforcement Professionals operate in complex environments and situations. Getting the supplies you need shouldn't be complicated. One call to Darley can save you hours and hundreds of dollars without sacrificing quality and outcomes. You serve others. We serve you.

You Put It All on the Line Everyday; We Do the Same for You

It’s about your life and the lives of those you serve. When it comes to law enforcement assets required for success, there is no space or time for second guesses. When you work with Darley, you have the assurance your gear, equipment and technology are going to perform, so you can focus on what matters in that moment. Whether you’re responding to an active shooter, patrolling your community or enhancing your skills with technology, Darley is your end-to-end solution.


Number of public safety-specialized suppliers we provide

0 %

Percentage of countries in the world using Darley

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Veteran and Public Safety Employees

110+ Years of Proven Success

Mission of People Over Profits


Darley offers the latest, best, and most comprehensive equipment options for first responders and tactical teams.



Darley offers the latest, best, and most comprehensive equipment options for first responders and tactical teams.


Darley's rigorous engineering and testing requirements ensures that the industry’s most respected seal of approval is built into all pumps that we offer.

Unmanned systems

Darley’s unmanned systems capabilities incorporate training, local regulations, software, and strategic support to ensure leading edge surveillance in any situation.


Darley’s virtual and augmented training solutions provide fully immersive learning experiences that are both safe and effective, for hazardous and emergency situations.

Upcoming Events

Darley is excited to showcase their latest innovations at FDIC International 2025,...
 DRONERESPONDERS will cover a wide range of topics, including DFR Next Generation,...

Questions? Let Us Know What We Can Do for You!

Here at Darley, we are honored to partner with you in recommending solutions and developing the right strategy for the right application.